Named for the League of Black Slavers, headquartered in Schendi. They are Pirates of the Thassa known for fast ships
and ruthless plundering. They raid and trade in areas remote from their home, however, leaving Schendi shipping free to move about without fear. The theater is a traditional performance hall with a curtained stage. It's located in the sky above
Schendi and can be rezzed in other locations when needed. The League is like a large living room.
When things are a bit quiet, streaming video provides a pleasant diversion.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Brundisium performance of "A Slavegirl's Story"

On Friday March 19th, bring your slave, your FC and your friends to the Port of Brundisium for a relaxing and romantic two hour show. Curtain at One PM SL Time.

The show is traveling to the Port of Brundisium after a six performance run in various cities, including Schendi, Ko-Ro-Ba and Markets of Semris. A Schendi Concepts Production, the play is the result of two years of work, culminating last Spring with a series of previews. Eleven scenes in three acts, the romantic adventure concerns a streetwise earth girl who becomes caught up in a Gorean plot. The play asks the question whether she can stand up to evil and still retain her newly discovered submissive nature.

If the Free Women in the audience cry in the third act, or before, the show is a success. This is meant in fun; but it tells a lot about the nature of the story. The scenes unfold with humor, romance, drama, and mystery. The scenery is elaborate and the animation, extensive.

On a more serious note, the production is demanding to perform. Two people, do all eleven characters. The load on a sim's resources is the biggest concern. Patrons should be aware of their arc (avatar rendering cost) and to keep it low. Also to be patient if there is a snag or two.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Review: Samos Madrigal of the Vonda Voice

Schendi Play Review
Samos Madrigal

Tal, greetings, Goreans.

Most of you know me as your humble dance correspondent... today I am temporarily stepping into a bit of a new role... theater critic. Bear with me as I try to do justice to a play performed this weekend. It was called "A Slavegirl's Story", and was written by my friend Varik Marat (Harbor Master of the Port of Schendi), ably assisted by his girl razi Berry. The play has been traveling Gor for the past year or so. This weekend, it was offered in Schendi itself.

As stunning as this may sound, the two of them (Varik and his girl razi) played all the characters (some 8-10 or so, if I counted right). Varik was responsible for the writing and scripting and editing and construction of many of the scenes, and razi was equally to credit for the complex animations and buildings. Today's performance was in the Schendi Theatre... make a note... there are a few Schendi’s in Gor... THIS Schendi is the real one, replete with authentic and detailed scenes right out of the books, a very fitting backdrop for this play (which was held in the sky-theater to avoid lag). Landmarks to all the amazing sites in Shendi (including the theater) are available in the Traveler's Center.

The theater itself was great, very dark and rich in design, relaxing, luxurious. One felt very much as if one was entering an environment worthy of a great play. The whole thing lasts a good two hours, so be prepared for an evening's entertainment.

Among the amenities:
A play program, richly produced and very attractive, gives a summary of the characters and their roles in the drama. It is a book which can be opened and read, and re-read. Beautiful portraits of the characters.
Backdrops to the play's scenes are photographic in quality. Varik tells me he got many of the backdrops from around Schendi herself, which is a beautiful sim.
The costumes are amazing... Askaris are particularly well-dressed in their feathers and gold, and all the characters are appropriately clothes, even the early scenes which take place on Earth (where we have bums, thugs and a spitfire earth-girl).
The animations are great. One that stands out is from a scene with some poor mercenaries who are batting at the insects of the tropics.
What with the theater being in the sky, there is very little lag.

My friend Varik tells me that he is interested in continuing to tour Gor, as well as (perhaps) some BDSM sims that might like to sample a Gorean experience. He invites interested parties to contact him or his girl-friday (my term, hehe) for information. Any others of the port, Free or slave. will be happy to pass along messages or offer information, including the girl which you dance-lovers will know, the savage little ragamuffin ebony Breda. Feel free to IM me for a LM, to make sure you get to the right Schendi, not one of those oddball places.

I hope my friends (and acquaintances, and enemies alike........... I have plenty in each category) will consider attending or hosting a run of this play. I won't spoil the plot by telling too much, but suffice to say that it is a very fun and authentic romp through Gor, from "civilization" right into the Gorean jungles. There are Free Men who are about their good or evil business with genuine Gorean devotion, A Free Woman or two who find their destiny in a collar, and slaves who start off as earth divas and end up in their rightful place, kneeling and collared and begging a Master's touch. I cannot think of a better way to spend a relaxing evening than enjoying this play. Bring your Free Companions, your slaves, your friends (Gorean and curious-about-Gor), your comrades, and settle in for a very Gorean experience. I could see this play actually being presented on Gor, attended by Free and slaves, enjoying a terrific story about their culture, their values, their world.

I want you to see this play.

I will see all of you again, soon, in my dance-critic role. I wish you all well.


Posted by HarborMaster at 8:00 AM

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